The word blepharoplasty cames from the Creek word ( Blerharo =eyelid, plasty = to shape or mold ) Blepharoplasty is customarily a cosmetic procedure to enhance the appearance of the eyelids. It is sometimes called an ‘eye lift’. A blerharoplasty may involve the upper lids, or the lower lids, or both. Prime objectives in this surgery are to achieve a natural refreshed, rejuvenated appearance and by all means avoid any kind of plastic surgery stigma ( overdone appearance ).
In an upper blerharoplasty the excess skin and fat is removed. Other enhancing procedures may be done such as smoothing the skin with laser and stabilizing the lid crease. An upper blepharoplasty is typically a cosmetic procedure and not covered by insurance.
Lower Blerharoplasty
This is typically a more complex operation than an upper blerharoplasty and each patient should be carefully evaluated and the procedure individualized to hisor her specific needs. In the basic procedure the skin is tightened and any bulging fat (bags) removed . Additional procedures are often included, such as smoothing the skin with laser and tightening the outer attachment of the lid to prevent retraction following surgery.
When the skin tone is good and the problem is excess fat only, no skin incision may be required. In this situation the fat is removed through an incision on the inner surface of the lid and no stitches are required.
Additionally, the skin may be tightened and wrinkles reduced with a laser.
A lower blepharoplasty is a cosmetic procedure. A possible exception is where there is significant tearing or chronic eye irritation caused by the lids falling or being pulled away from the eye ( ectropion – see below ).
In this circumstance a portion of the operation may be covered by insurance. As a specialist in eyelid surgery, Dr. Ioannidis is able to customize each procedure as appropriate to achieve the optimum result.
Also Dr.Ioannidis always proceed at the same time of lower blepharoplasty to canthoplasty a procedure which reposition the external canthus to a higher level in such way that give a new more rejuvenated shape of eye with a more strong support to the lower eyelid as it should be. This maneuver helps us to avoid complication like ectropion and the look of rounded eye
to the external —– of lower eyelid after blepharoplasty . At the same
time gives the guarantee for long lasting for results.
The malar – cheek lift haw become increasingly popular in recent years.
Dr. Ioannidis often does this in conjunction with o lower blepharoplasty .
This procedure can significantly enhance the appearance of the cheek, eyelid and mid – face area in the appropriate patients. Sometimes this procedure is called Midface suspension or Lift.
In this condition the eyelid itself, not just the skin , droops and may partially cover the pupil. This condition is not corrected by simply removing excess skin. It requires a specific ptosis operation. Adult onset ptosis is usually caused by stretching of the muscles that lift the lid and a repair must address this condition. In rare instances ptosis can be due to a systemic disorder such as myasthenia gravis or muscular dystrophy. In children it is usually present at birth and due to underdevelopment of the levator muscle.
In these conditions the eyelid turns out ( ectropion) or turns in ( entropion ). Either can cause eye irritation and excess tearing. The repair is usually uncomplicated, although in some cases of ectropion a skin graft can be required. As previously noted an ectropion can occur when preventive measures are not included in the surgery.
There are circumstances where it is necessary to rebuild part or all of an eyelid with flaps and skin grafts. Dr. Ioannidis does this type of surgery most often for the reconstruction of an eyelid following removal of a malignant tumor, same cases he even reconstructive the whole length of lower and upper eyelid with more complicated. Flaps or micro surgical procedure.