There are multiple options available for improving facial lines and contour. These include new temporary injectables fillers such as Juvederm, Radiesse, and Sculptra. Botox or Dysport are used to soften facial lines that are caused by muscle movements such as in the crow’s feet around the eyes and the brow area.
injections are currently the most commonly performed plastic surgery procedure in the United States. The small injections of the toxin, a neuromuscular blocking agent, paralyzes the muscles of the specific injection area for 3 to 4 months, preventing their movement, and hence preventing the deepening of the facial lines that occur as a result of the movement of such muscles. Typically these areas are the crow’s feet on either side of the eyes, the glabellar lines between the eyebrows, and the horizontal forehead lines. They are also used to reduce the size of the muscles of the face and narrow the face in an “off-label” use. The tiny injections are quick and accompanied by temporary discomfort that is gone by the time the patient leaves the treatment room. If the material is injected into the wrong area of the muscles, there is a temporary loss of activity of these areas and some drooping of the area. In the hands of an experienced surgeon the likelihood of these events is very rare. The cost is per injection site and is pro-rated for more areas.
JUVÉDERM® Injectable Gel One of the newer Hyaluronic Acid based skin dermal fillers is JUVÉDERM® Injectable Gel. This jelly like material comes in single use 1cc syringes and is ideal for enlargement of the lips and filling of the ”smoker’s“ lines around the mouth. The results last for 6 to 9 months.
RADIESSE is a dermal skin filler with a base of hyaluronic acid mixed with tiny specks of crystals found in our own bone, that allows the material to last longer before our cells breakdown the crystals. The results last for 1 to 1.5 years.
SCULPTRA is another type of dermal skin filler that is injected into a different layer of the skin and increases the volume of the skin by stimulating a reaction in the skin that allows it to thicken. It is usually injected into the cheek area to fill out hollow cheeks. The results last for 1.5 to 2 years.