Ευκαιρίες για ιατρούς στην Αγγλία
Dear Doctor,
Hope you are doing well.
This month we have a number of very interesting job opportunities in the UK which are carefully selected in collaboration with large UK organisations! You have the opportunity to apply first without any cost for you and with just sending your CV and no need to fill out complicated forms.
- The currently available posts for junior doctors are:
Junior doctors for Orthopaedic surgery (10 posts)
Junior doctors for General Surgery (5 posts)
Junior doctors for Internal medicine (5 posts)
The above posts are perfect for doctor with less than 5 years of specialty training experience.
- For more senior doctors
Specialty registrars in Internal medicine
Specialty registrars in Radiology
Specialty registrar in Oncology
Speciatly registrar/consultant in stroke medicine
Speciatly registrar/consultant in geriatrics
Speciatly registrar/consultant Acute medicine
For more information or if you want to apply please send us your CV and your GMC status at
Kind regards
MeDynamic Team.