Άρθρα Συγγραφέα


Evan Sorokin

Delaware Valley Plastic Surgery, P.A., 1734 Marlton Pike East, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003, (856) 797-0202


If you are self-conscious about your ears, or if your son or daughter has been teased at school because of large or protruding ears, surgical options are available to provide relief. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Evan Sorokin performs surgery of the ear, also known as otoplasty, in New Jersey to reduce protrusion of the ear away from the head and reshape the ears. This is usually is a straightforward procedure that involves a quick recovery and minimal discomfort.


If you think that your nose doesn’t fit in with the rest of your face, it can make you feel self-conscious and unattractive. Perhaps your nose is crooked or off center, or maybe you feel that it’s too large for your face. You may be suffering from breathing problems or nasal deformities you were born with or that were caused by an injury. Dr. Sorokin has seen the impressive changes that rhinoplasty gives New Jersey and Philadelphia patients in both their appearance and their self-esteem.

Μοσχαρίσια ή χοινινή μπριζόλα?

Μοσχαρίσια ή χοινινή μπριζόλα?

Πάλι Κυριακή , πάλι τραπέζι με την οικογένεια ή τους φίλους και πάλι η απορία αν  θα  προτιμήσουμε  μια μοσχαρίσια ή μια χοιρινή μπριζόλα. Αν θέλουμε να [...]

Το κάρδαμο μπορεί επίσης να βοηθήσει στην καταπολέμηση του καρκίνου σε ποντίκια και το αιθέριο έλαιο κάρδαμου έχει αντιβακτηριακές ιδιότητες.

Μάθε τα οφέλη του ελληνικού…τούρκικου καφέ!

Αν σας αρέσει ο καφές να είναι δυνατός και πλούσιος, ίσως θα πρέπει να δοκιμάσετε τον τουρκικό καφέ. Έχει υψηλή περιεκτικότητα σε καφεΐνη, αφιλτράριστος [...]

Η Διατροφή των Δρομέων Μεγάλων Αποστάσεων

Η Διατροφή των Δρομέων Μεγάλων Αποστάσεων

Η ισορροπημένη διατροφή, δηλαδή ή πληρότητα σε ενέργεια και σε θρεπτικά συστατικά είναι αναγκαία σε όλους τους ανθρώπους. Ωστόσο, τα άτομα με υψηλή [...]

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month!

Melanoma is the most deady of skin cancers!  

Signs to watch for with “spots” that indicate that they may be dangerous include:

  • Asymmetry : lack of symmetry from one side to the other
  • Borders : Irregular or jagged, not smooth

Cellulite Reduction

The telltale signs of cellulite – bumps and dimples in the skin, particularly on the thighs and buttocks – are notoriously unattractive but incredibly common. Caused by a combination of enlarged subcutaneous fat cells and fibrous connective tissue, cellulite affects a majority of women and a large number of men as well. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Evan Sorokin offers the technologically advanced, ultrasonic VASERsmooth™ method of cellulite

Breast Lift

Breasts that sag or have lost volume not only lead to an unflattering appearance, they also deflate your confidence and self-esteem. Many women experience unwelcome changes in breast appearance as they age or following pregnancy, while others always have been disappointed with the shape of breasts that droop or hang at awkward angles. Women in Philadelphia and New Jersey choose breast lift surgery by breast enhancement specialist Dr. Evan Sorokin for a restored look and natural-feeling result.