10 healthy eating tips for kids

1. Food is Fun… Enjoy your food

Sharing a meal with family and friends at home or at school is a great way to enjoy food. It is fun to see other people’s choice of food – what sandwich fillings do others have? Have you tried having a different filling every day? Check out your lunch box or dinner plate. How many different kinds of fruit and vegetables can you spot?

Acupuncture (AP) Treatment of Tinnitus

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) , the Channels of the Bladder (BL), Gallbladder (GB), Kidney (KI), Large Intestine (LI), Liver (LV), Small Intestine (SI), Spleen (SP), Stomach (ST) and Triple Heater (TH) influence ear function. In the Five Phase Theory and its Correspondences , Water Function (KI) has a special affinity for the ears and throat.

Δερματικό Λέμφωμα (Cutaneous lymphoma NHL )

Τι είναι το λέμφωμα; Το λέμφωμα είναι καρκίνος του λεμφικού συστήματος. Το λεμφικό σύστημα είναι ένα δίκτυο λεπτών σωλήνων και λεμφαδένων που τρέχουν σε [...]

Χειρουργική της αορτής και αορτικού τόξου

Χειρουργική της αορτής και αορτικού τόξου

Ανεύρυσμα ανιούσης αορτής, τόξου και κατιούσης αορτή Το αορτικό ανεύρυσμα είναι μία παθολογική διάταση των τοιχωμάτων της αορτής (η μεγαλύτερη αρτηρία [...]

Κινδυνεύουν τα μάτια μας από τις βαφές μαλλιών;

Κινδυνεύουν τα μάτια μας από τις βαφές μαλλιών;

Οι βαφές μαλλιών είναι ένα από τα ευρύτερα χρησιμοποιούμενα καλλυντικά προϊόντα, αλλά δεκάδες χημικές ουσίες που περιέχονται σε αυτές μπορεί να [...]

Asthma Treatment using Salbutamol and Mahuang

Asthma is a complex disorder involving biochemical, autonomic, immunologic, infectious, endocrine and psychological factors to varying degrees between individuals. It is an inflammatory disease characterised by airway hyper-responsiveness and episodic periods of bronchospasm.1 There are two types of asthma, extrinsic (immunologic) and intrinsic (autonomic).

The New Reality of Acupuncture Medicine

During the last years of the Qing Dynasty (around 1900), the bubonic plague swept through Hong Kong, then a British colony. British administrators divided patients into two groups, one of which was treated by Chinese medicine and the other by Western medicine, and evaluated the efficacy of each treatment. The first evaluation indicated that Chinese medicine was 50% more effective than Western medicine. Western doctors in Hong Kong challenged this evaluation and demanded a second evaluation with re-designed parameters. However, the second evaluation also showed that Chinese medicine was effective in 60% of the cases while Western medicine was effective in only 30% of the cases.

Hadassah Investigators Find Marijuana Holds Promise for Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease

Press Release

In analyzing pre-clinical data derived from animal models, Hadassah Medical Center researchers, in coordination with Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, have discovered that the active constituents in marijuana hold promise in the management of certain cardiovascular diseases.

Treatment of skin diseases with acupuncture



Acupuncture is a technique that originated in China more than 3000 years ago. Diseases are treated by inserting needles on different parts of the body – acupuncture points. Today other techniques are available, for example electroacupuncture transepidermal nerve stimulation, cupping and Moxibustion. During the last few years the interest in acupuncture by the medical profession has increased because of the published results of efficacy,

Carpal Tunnel

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is compression or pressure on the median nerve at the wrist level. Alignment at the wrist creates a tunnel through which the median nerve and nine tendons course. The median nerve supplies sensation to the thumb, index, long finger, and half of the ring finger,

Acoustic Neuroma

Predicting Acoustic Neuroma Growth
If one could predict which acoustic neuroma (AN) was likely to grow, which might remain stable, and which might regress, it would significantly impact treatment protocols. ANs represent 6 percent of all intracranial tumors and 85 percent of all tumors in the cerebellopontine angle (CPA). In the United States, roughly 2000 to 3000 new cases are diagnosed annually.

Acoustic neuroma growth

The percentage of acoustic neuromas exhibiting growth ranges widely from 18 to 73%. The percentage of tumors reported not to grow for some years after diagnosis ranges from 9 to 75%. Some (usually less than 10%, but up to 22%) may get smaller.

Treatment of ocular and nasal symptoms of allergic rhinitis

Efficacy of fluticasone furoate nasal spray vs. placebo for the treatment of ocular and nasal symptoms of allergic rhinitis: a systematic review
Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 12/07/2010
Clinical Article
Rodrigo GJ et al. – Although previous data suggest that intranasal fluticasone furoate (FF) improves ocular symptoms of allergic rhinitis (AR), it presents serious limitations that


The word blepharoplasty cames from the Creek word ( Blerharo =eyelid, plasty = to shape or mold ) Blepharoplasty is customarily a cosmetic procedure to enhance the appearance of the eyelids. It is sometimes called an ‘eye lift’. A blerharoplasty may involve the upper lids, or the lower lids, or both. Prime objectives in this surgery are to achieve a natural refreshed, rejuvenated appearance and by all means avoid any kind of plastic surgery stigma ( overdone appearance ).

In an upper blerharoplasty the excess skin and fat is removed. Other enhancing procedures may be done such as smoothing the skin with laser and stabilizing the lid crease. An upper blepharoplasty is typically a cosmetic procedure and not covered by insurance.


Breast lift (mastopexy) surgery is used to restore a more youthful shape to the breast. Common features that are improved are drooping (ptosis) of the entire breast and nipple position. Often just the nipple position has begun to fall and point downward. The areola (darker skin aroynd the
nipple) also can become dilated, which distorts the natural proportions of the breast.


Εξάλειψη ρυτίδων

As people age, the effects of gravity, exposure to the sun, and the stresses of daily life can be seen in their faces. Deep creases from between the nose and mouth, the jawline grows slack and jowly, folds and fat deposits appear around the neck.
A facelift ( technically known as rhytidectomy) cant’ t stop this aging process. What it can do is ‘ set back the clock’ , improving the most visible signs of aging by removing excess fat, tightening underlying muscles, and redraping the skin of your face and neck. A facelift can be done alone, or in conjunction with other procedures such as a forehead lift, eyelid surgery, or nose reshaping.


Otoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to reduce the size of large, floppy ears. While there are many different scenarios and procedures within the field of otolaryngology (an English word so suspiciously long, one might suspect it’s somehow German), the most common is referred to as “pinning back the ears”, which helps to correct ears that protrude too far from the head (2 cm from the back of the head, to be exact, though I’m not sure what ear impresario decided that).