Διευθυντής Οφθαλμολογικού Τμήματος Ευρωκλινικής Αθηνών
Μέλος Ευρωπαϊκής Εταιρείας Χειρουργών Καταρράκτη
και Διαθλαστικής Χειρουργικής
Ιατρείο: Λ.Μεσογείων 226 & Αετιδέων 3 (3η εισοδος Χολαργού),Τ.Κ.15561
Τηλ.:210 6525 795,Κινητό:6944 547565
Ευρωκλινική:210 6416 600 ΟΜΜΑ ΟΦ/ΚΟ ΙΝΣΤΙΤΟΥΤΟ:210 6755 801Προβολή άρθρων του συγγραφέα Γράφτηκε στις ,
What is ΑΜD
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a serious eye disease whose prevalence increases with age. AMD is now the leading cause of untreatable vision loss and legal blindness in the United States, and will become even more so as our population gets older. The disease causes the macula (the pea-sized, central part of the light-sensitive retina) to deteriorate; this destroys the sharp, central vision needed for seeing objects clearly, and for common daily tasks such as reading and driving.
Συγγραφέας Ιωάννης ΧατζημηνάςκλείσιμοΣυγγραφέας: Ιωάννης ΧατζημηνάςΌνομα: Ιωάννης Χατζημηνάς Email: info@iator.gr Site:
Πληροφορίες: Καθηγητής Πειραματικής Φυσιολογίας,
Ιατρική Σχολή Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών.Προβολή άρθρων του συγγραφέα Γράφτηκε στις ,
I must have been in the fifth class of the elementary school, when for the first time I heard our teacher speaking about the interesting experiments and pursuits of Gregor Mendel in relation to the laws of heredity. I remember that I was extremely impressed by the fact that these studies have been done on the beanplants and their beans, and it was then that for the first time I came to realize that plants are also living organisms that are subject to the same laws with animals as regards the presence of their hereditary characteristics, as well as their transfer from one generation to the next!
Κακοήθης όγκος-καρκίνος Ως όγκο, ορίζουμε μια μάζα κυττάρων, τα οποία πολλαπλασιάζονται ανεξέλεγκτα. Οι κακοήθεις όγκοι εισβάλλουν στους γειτονικούς [...]
Πληροφορίες: Ψυχίατρος,
Εριφύλης 2 k Σπ Μερκούρη 24, 11634 Αθήνα (Παγκράτι),
τηλ-φαξ: 210 7290496, κιν: 6945 464619
Ελληνική Εταιρία Μελέτης & Πρόληψης της Σεξουαλικής Κακοποίησης, www.obrela.gr
Προσαρμογή: Διεπιστημονική Εταιρία Ψυχολογικής Παρέμβασης, www.prosarmogi.gr
Επινόηση: Θεραπευτικές Εφαρμογές με Εικονική Πραγματικότητα, http://epinoisi.110mb.com/Προβολή άρθρων του συγγραφέα Γράφτηκε στις ,
Schizophrenia is the most severe of the mental disorders and although is discussed as if it was a single disease, the diagnostic category can include a variety of disorders that present with somewhat similar behavioral symptoms. Schizophrenia is frequently characterized by a chronic recurrent course and probably comprises a group of disorders with heterogenous causes and definitely includes patients whose clinical presentations, treatment responses, and courses of illness are varied. It occurs in all cultures, the incidence is about 2 to 4 cases per 10,000 population per year and the life time risk is about 1%.
Πληροφορίες: Ψυχίατρος,
Εριφύλης 2 k Σπ Μερκούρη 24, 11634 Αθήνα (Παγκράτι),
τηλ-φαξ: 210 7290496, κιν: 6945 464619
Ελληνική Εταιρία Μελέτης & Πρόληψης της Σεξουαλικής Κακοποίησης, www.obrela.gr
Προσαρμογή: Διεπιστημονική Εταιρία Ψυχολογικής Παρέμβασης, www.prosarmogi.gr
Επινόηση: Θεραπευτικές Εφαρμογές με Εικονική Πραγματικότητα, http://epinoisi.110mb.com/Προβολή άρθρων του συγγραφέα Γράφτηκε στις ,
Official history has it that the French psychiatrist Ernest-Charles Lasegue (1816-1833) and the English physician Sir William Withey Gull (1816-1890) simultaneously and independently presented descriptions of a new syndrome of eating disorders among adolescent women. Lasegue described his clinical and therapeutical experiences with eight female patients whose eating habits were severely disturbed in a paper which appeared in ‘Archives Generales de Medicine’ in April 1873.
Συγγραφέας Ιωάννης ΧατζημηνάςκλείσιμοΣυγγραφέας: Ιωάννης ΧατζημηνάςΌνομα: Ιωάννης Χατζημηνάς Email: info@iator.gr Site:
Πληροφορίες: Καθηγητής Πειραματικής Φυσιολογίας,
Ιατρική Σχολή Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών.Προβολή άρθρων του συγγραφέα Γράφτηκε στις ,
Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen.
Before I proceed with this lecture, I feel that I must give an explanation of what will follow. At first, when I accepted this invitation, I began collecting material which would have been useful for the literal depiction, exhibition and interpretation of all these conquests which have been achieved in the domain of Physiology and related sciences during the 20th century. This would have been in line with the title that was already announced, which constitutes an absolute fit to the planning, as regards the contents and the frame of this series of lectures. However, very soon I realized that this enterprise, was essentially not very different from the feat of filling up the jar of Danaides,
Συγγραφέας Ιωάννης ΧατζημηνάςκλείσιμοΣυγγραφέας: Ιωάννης ΧατζημηνάςΌνομα: Ιωάννης Χατζημηνάς Email: info@iator.gr Site:
Πληροφορίες: Καθηγητής Πειραματικής Φυσιολογίας,
Ιατρική Σχολή Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών.Προβολή άρθρων του συγγραφέα Γράφτηκε στις ,
Two months after I arrived in Athens, in the fall of 1946, I came to know a very interesting person by the name of Dr Angelos Tanagras. He was the team leader of a group of about a dozen people who used to practice and attend spiritualistic seances. Out of curiosity, I joined in and attended a few of these meetings which were taking place in his home, somewhere in Athens.
Συγγραφέας Ιωάννης ΧατζημηνάςκλείσιμοΣυγγραφέας: Ιωάννης ΧατζημηνάςΌνομα: Ιωάννης Χατζημηνάς Email: info@iator.gr Site:
Πληροφορίες: Καθηγητής Πειραματικής Φυσιολογίας,
Ιατρική Σχολή Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών.Προβολή άρθρων του συγγραφέα Γράφτηκε στις ,
Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen.
Before I proceed with this lecture, I feel that I must give an explanation of what will follow. At first, when I accepted this invitation, I began collecting material which would have been useful for the literal depiction, exhibition and interpretation of all these conquests which have been achieved in the domain of Physiology and related sciences during the 20th century. This would have been in line with the title that was already announced, which constitutes an absolute fit to the planning, as regards the contents and the frame of this series of lectures.
Πληροφορίες: Ψυχίατρος,
Εριφύλης 2 k Σπ Μερκούρη 24, 11634 Αθήνα (Παγκράτι),
τηλ-φαξ: 210 7290496, κιν: 6945 464619
Ελληνική Εταιρία Μελέτης & Πρόληψης της Σεξουαλικής Κακοποίησης, www.obrela.gr
Προσαρμογή: Διεπιστημονική Εταιρία Ψυχολογικής Παρέμβασης, www.prosarmogi.gr
Επινόηση: Θεραπευτικές Εφαρμογές με Εικονική Πραγματικότητα, http://epinoisi.110mb.com/Προβολή άρθρων του συγγραφέα Γράφτηκε στις ,
The view that early socialization experiences in the family shape the structure and function of adult interpersonal relationships underlies psychoanalytic, object relations, and attachment theories. Bowlby (1980), theorized that the relationship between infant and parent affects the child’s ability to form affection bonds in later life. He concluded that “attachment behavior is held to characterize human beings from the cradle to the grave”. He also argued that the term “bonding” and “attachment” are similar but there are some important differences. Attachment is an instictive process, and bonding is perhaps best viewed as less clearly biologically determined. Main et al (1985),
Πληροφορίες: Ψυχίατρος,
Εριφύλης 2 k Σπ Μερκούρη 24, 11634 Αθήνα (Παγκράτι),
τηλ-φαξ: 210 7290496, κιν: 6945 464619
Ελληνική Εταιρία Μελέτης & Πρόληψης της Σεξουαλικής Κακοποίησης, www.obrela.gr
Προσαρμογή: Διεπιστημονική Εταιρία Ψυχολογικής Παρέμβασης, www.prosarmogi.gr
Επινόηση: Θεραπευτικές Εφαρμογές με Εικονική Πραγματικότητα, http://epinoisi.110mb.com/Προβολή άρθρων του συγγραφέα Γράφτηκε στις ,
Researchers have long been interested in interpersonal perception within relationships. Much of the early interest focused on actual similarity, assumed similarity, and accuracy of perception as predictors of marital quality (Lavinger & Breedlove, 1966). More recent studies have examined how attributions about partner (Bradbury & Fincham, 1990) and idealization of the partner (Murray et al, 1996) affect relationship satisfaction. Denny et al (1984), comparing men’s and women’s preferences for sexual partners, have found that male undergraduates place the most emphasis on genital stimulation and intercourse, whereas female undergraduates most valued foreplay.
Πληροφορίες: Ψυχίατρος,
Εριφύλης 2 k Σπ Μερκούρη 24, 11634 Αθήνα (Παγκράτι),
τηλ-φαξ: 210 7290496, κιν: 6945 464619
Ελληνική Εταιρία Μελέτης & Πρόληψης της Σεξουαλικής Κακοποίησης, www.obrela.gr
Προσαρμογή: Διεπιστημονική Εταιρία Ψυχολογικής Παρέμβασης, www.prosarmogi.gr
Επινόηση: Θεραπευτικές Εφαρμογές με Εικονική Πραγματικότητα, http://epinoisi.110mb.com/Προβολή άρθρων του συγγραφέα Γράφτηκε στις ,
Crossed Hand-Eye Dominance In Male Psychiatric Patients
Key words: Crossed-dominance, Laterality, schizophrenia, mental disorders
Introduction. Many authors have pointed out abnormal motor asymmetry in neurological and psychiatric diseases. The research revealed increase in mixed-handedness (Cannon, Byrne, Cassidy, Larkin, Horgan, Sheppard & O’Callaghan, 1995, Hayden, Kern, Burdick & Green, 1997), and lack of agreement between hand, eye, and foot preferences (Piran, Bigler & Cohen, 1988) among schizophrenics. The functional significance of hand-eye crossed dominance causes is not well understood. Some studies have shown that crossed
Πληροφορίες: Ψυχίατρος,
Εριφύλης 2 k Σπ Μερκούρη 24, 11634 Αθήνα (Παγκράτι),
τηλ-φαξ: 210 7290496, κιν: 6945 464619
Ελληνική Εταιρία Μελέτης & Πρόληψης της Σεξουαλικής Κακοποίησης, www.obrela.gr
Προσαρμογή: Διεπιστημονική Εταιρία Ψυχολογικής Παρέμβασης, www.prosarmogi.gr
Επινόηση: Θεραπευτικές Εφαρμογές με Εικονική Πραγματικότητα, http://epinoisi.110mb.com/Προβολή άρθρων του συγγραφέα Γράφτηκε στις ,
Biological factors, such as genetic background, neurotransmitter and neuroendocrine systems, social factors, and psychological factors, such as, personality traits and ego defense mechanisms, contribute to the pathogenesis of anxiety. Τοwards explaining anxiety, a number of neurone’s systems, neuroanatomical regions and various hormonic levels of mulfunction have been suggested.
The GABA-nergic hypothesis is based on the finding that the benzodiazepines increase the function of GABA-A receptor, allowing the inflow of chloric anions into the cell.
Πληροφορίες: Ψυχίατρος,
Εριφύλης 2 k Σπ Μερκούρη 24, 11634 Αθήνα (Παγκράτι),
τηλ-φαξ: 210 7290496, κιν: 6945 464619
Ελληνική Εταιρία Μελέτης & Πρόληψης της Σεξουαλικής Κακοποίησης, www.obrela.gr
Προσαρμογή: Διεπιστημονική Εταιρία Ψυχολογικής Παρέμβασης, www.prosarmogi.gr
Επινόηση: Θεραπευτικές Εφαρμογές με Εικονική Πραγματικότητα, http://epinoisi.110mb.com/Προβολή άρθρων του συγγραφέα Γράφτηκε στις ,
Russell’s (1984) wide research in random samples of San Francisco women is regarded by now the most thorough research in relation to the measuring of undesired sexual experiences. The percentage of 24% which is extracted by this survey keeps up with the 27.5% of Koss et al (1987) which resulted after a sample survey on American female students who reported rape or attempt of rape from the age of 14. Gavey’s (1991) research in New Zealand resulted to a similar percentage (25.3%) of women who reported rape or attempt of rape.
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