Iωάννης Γ. Γρηγοριάδης

Φαρμακοποιός, Ph.D cand.
Ο Ιωάννης Γ. Γρηγοριάδης είναι πτυχιούχος της Φαρμακευτικής Σχολής του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης και υποψήφιος Διδάκτωρ της Ιατρικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων. Είναι μέλος της Αμερικανικής Ένωσης Τραπεζών Αίματος (ΑΑΒΒ). Είναι Διευθυντής Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης της εταιρείας φαρμακευτικής βιοτεχνολογίας biogenea pharmaceuticals Ε.Π.Ε.,Πρόεδρος του Διεθνούς Συμβουλίου Φαρμακευτικής Βιοτεχνολογίας του WAMS
Chairman of the WAMS International Board of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Clinical Pharmacy
Technical Skills |
Configuration Management Perform Ethical Hacking TimelyResolutionofProblems | use newly-available quantum hardware platforms and software application programming interfaces (APIs) using deep learning to predict how molecules will behave and how likely they are to bind together and how strongly |
Professional Attributes |
MedicalWriting & User Training Change Management & Adaptation Effective ProjectManagement |
employs proprietary software that teaches itself about molecular interactions by identifying patterns and learning to recognize images, a new, advanced technology that makes discovering new drugs faster and easier |
IT Management Skills | Security Risk Control & Monitoring Information Management Leadership |
saves time and money by bringing significant potential for cost effectively improving the time-to-market for the drug development pipeline |
Biogenea Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Company Ltd BIOGENEA PHARMACEUTICALS LTD Thessaloniki, Greece
06/2005 – 06/2019 Scientific Director
- Use of approved policies, Compliance with European
Pharmacopoeia Processes, Usemand control of suitable equipment, materials, and working environments. (Manufacturing of injections, homeopathy solutions, cosmeceuticals).
- Directed and supervised the work of Biogenea’s 3 Laboratories:
- In Next Generation Bio-Banking- based core technologies include its highly selected, ex-vivo expanded Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) from umbilical cord blood, bone marrow or peripheral blood, culture-expanded Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) from dental pulp, adipose tissue and purified Circulated Tumour Cells (CTCs) for personalised cancer therapeutic
- In Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product- based core technologies include its unique cell products for miscellaneous clinical indications in Oncology, Neurology, Orthopaedics/ General Surgery/ Dentistry, Cosmetics/ Plastic Surgery, Cardiology,Hepatology harmonized to EC guidelines (1394/2007).
- In Rational Drug Discovery the company is focused on discovery of new molecular pathway targeted- small molecules based on computer aided drug design algorithms,
Recognitions & Awards: Chairman of the WAMS International Board of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Clinical Pharmacy Grigoriadis G. Ioannis, Pharm.D, FWAMS, has officially been granted by The World Academy of Medical Sciences the “Academy Faculty” membership and herewith appointed as a Member of the WAMS Academy Faculty I, the P Subject: Grigoriadis
- Ioannis :: Certificate of Title WAMS-2971-AD/GRE1024/GGI-
Best poster Award presentations
- The first breakthrough discovery of Ioannis Grigoriadis is GLYBATOMAQ, an in-silico (designed by means of computermodeling or simulation) small molecule to treat Glioma and Glioblastoma. GLYBATOMAQ far surpasses the binding properties, (the ability to attach to proteins to attack cancer cells), of these entire small molecule designed to date.
- Ioannis Grigoriadis is also the Inventor of the Microcrylaq small molecules (for treatment of non-small cell lung tumor).
- Ioannis Grigoriadis is the Inventor of the Biogenetoligandorol, proprietary drug design process responsible for the formulation of an additional 180 in-silico small molecules in the development
- Ioannis Grigoriadis is the Inventor of other Groundbreaking Innovations Miracle Molecules’ creator, unsurpassed expertise in computer-aided drug designing. His breakthrough discoveries have garnered over 35 “Best Poster Awards” around the
- Ioannis Grigoriadis’s abstract entitled “GlybatomaqTM: Ab initio SystematiC Parameterization of Polarizable Force Field Quantum Chemistry methodologies for calculating a ETS1, CASP8AP2 and FAS- mediated apoptosis targeted Supramolecular Nano-Ligand” has been selected under Best poster Award presentation in the “Stem Cell Conference 2018: Stem Cell A Novel Approach towards Regenerative Medicine”
- Ioannis Grigoriadis’s has been selected under Best poster Award presentation in BIT’s 16th Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science & Technology-Jinan
- Ioannis Grigoriadis’s abstract entitled “Experimental superposition of orders of quantum quantum cryptography, quantum metrology gates near to a revolutionary Rough Solid Wall by Mulit-Relaxation-Time Pseudopotential Lattice Boltzmann Model resulting to a GLIPR1 sp|P48060|1-21 MRVTLATIAWMVSFVSNYSHT Nano-[3-(Imidazol-4-ylmethylene)indolin-2-one-4-[(E)-2-(1H-indazol-3- yl)ethenyl]phenyl]-targeted derivative against the brain tumor glioblastoma multiforme/astrocytoma tumorigenesis” has been selected under Best poster Award presentation in the “2nd World Congress on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”
- Ioannis Grigoriadis’s abstract entitled “MicrocrylaqTM: A New Way to Implement Quantum Computation algebraic calculations in a 3D logical space for the discovery of a novel chemical antagonist against the two crizotinib-resistant ALK mutations, G1202R and F1174C in a MicrocrylaqTM Lindenbaum-Tarski based QSAR automating modeling lead compound design approach” has been accepted by Editors – Journal of Applied Physics, European Physical Journal, Advances in Space Research, Canadian Journal of Physics and Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems review committee for Best Poster Presentation at Physics congress
- Ioannis Grigoriadis’s abstract entitled “Evaluation of an Inverse Molecular Design Algorithm in a Model Binding Site fo the In silico design of a YEATS2 gene blockador for the depletion of YEATS2 and its interactions between YEATS domain and acetylated histones for the reduction of the ATAC complex-dependent H3K9ac promoter levels targeting to the deactivation of the essential NSCLC genes” have been accepted by Editors – Journal of Applied Physics, European Physical Journal, Advances in Space Research, Canadian Journal of Physics and Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems review committee for Best Poster Presentation at Physics congress
~ Experienced in Highlights: Biobanking (Stem Cells & Tissues Cryopreservation), Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) ,Personnel: Academics, Biotechnologists, Pharmacologists, Clinicians, Quality: ISO 9001:2008, ISO 15189: 2012, NETCORD, EMA, ISO: 14644, Products: Innovative biotechnology products, Pharmacogenomics: CRO services for ATMPs clinical trials, Business: A pharmaceutical biotechnology SME company in SE Europe with more than 30.000 members, Market: Contact points in 10 countries (GR, SK, BG, RO, AL, RUS, SRB, CRO, DE, US), Strategic Alliances: Academic, Industry, Rational Drug Design: BIOGENEA΄s computer aided drug design algorithm (Biogenetoligandorol), Patent portfolio: more than (180) druggable small molecules targeted to specific disease pathways (stem cell targeted, disease pathway targeted), Clinical Trials: more than (100) patients as hospital exception patients according to EU 1394/2007 clinical guidelines
Expert in:
AI Networks: Quantum Mechanics, Advanced databases, molecular quantum computing, java programming, advanced topics in bioinformatics, biostatistics. Participated in projects with focus on protein modeling,
Skills: Molecular biology, Cell biology, Biological Chemistry, Advanced Mathematics, Physics, Lab techniques, Physiology, Human Anatomy, Medical microbiology, Immunology, Pharmacology- Toxicology, Genetics, Human Development, Hematology, “Reformulation of Relativistic Quantum Field Theory on an advanced fragment-based multi-dimensional chemico-informatics Region-Like Idealization approach for the in silico prediction of the MicrocrylaqTM compound; A novel T790M mutant regulator for avoiding EGFR drug resistance in cancer NSCLC treatments”
2 Scientific Publications in magazine Modern Approaches in Drug Designing CRIMSON PUBLISHERS Wings to the Research
1/5Copyright © All rights are reserved by Grigoriadis Ioannis. ISSN: 2576-9170
199 CST Scientific Publications in magazine Cancer Studies and Therapeutics (ISSN: 2002-7184) http://biogenea.gr/index.php/el/vlastokyttara-news/dimosieuseis-amakoinwseis/348-cancer-studies-and-therapeutics-issn-2002-7184
22 CYTOTHERAPY Scientific Publications in magazine Cytotherapy, the official journal of the International Society of Cell and
Gene Therapy (ISCT) https://www.celltherapyjournal.org/action/doSearchoccurrences=all&searchText=grigoriadis&searchType=quick&searchScope=fullSite&journalCode=jcyt
Languages Greek: Fluent written and oral communication skills (native speaker)
English: Fluent written and oral communication skills French: Very good written and oral communication skills German: Very good written and oral communication skills
ExtracurricularActivities BIOGENEA:BIOGENEA Pharmaceuticals paved the way for a spectacular development of pharmaceutical biotechnology and innovative health applications in South-Eastern Europe for more than a decade. Throughout this period, insightful market expansion has been the trademark of BIOGENEA Pharmaceuticals corporate policy. Marking an optimal balance be tween popular health services and state-of-the-art scientific research, BIOGENEA Pharmaceuticals has ensured a wide commercial base, a leading market share and dominant synergies with the most notable actors of the health sector in Greece and the South -Eastern Europe.
Ioannis G. Grigoriadis, PharmD. is the Chairman of the WAMS International Board of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and holds a Pharmaceu- tical Biotechnology Degree by the Aristotle University Pharmaceutical School, PHARMACIST DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCHOOL OF ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONICA CLINICIAN PHARMACIST – MANAGER OF EXECUTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL FACILITIES ARISTOTLE UNI-
VERSITY OF THESSALONIKI Inventor, Scientific Publications in Medical Genetics in Biogenea Pharmaceuticals Ltd and is currently member of the International NETCORD Foundation www.netcord.org . He is also member of the European Committee of the International Society for Cellular Therapies and expert opinion on biotechnology (WIWearn). He is Scientific Director of BIOGENEA Pharmaceuticals Ltd, in charge of communication for the European Medicines Organization (www.ema.europa.eu) and scientific advisor to REGENETECH, a NASA spin-off company. He holds various biotechnology patents and diplomas, being author of numerous scientific papers and publications. He is member of peer-Business Scientific Project committees for international academic conventions and in charge of accreditations for the clinical laboratory of BIOGENEA Pharmaceuticals Ltd by the National Accreditation Authority of Greece (www.esyd.gr). Currently serves as scientific head of Drug Design & Development Unit publicitate his patents to Industrial Property Organization www.obi.gr. Ioannis Grigoriadis is the Inventor of the GlybatomaqTM “MIRACLE MOLECULES” AI Computer-Designed, Quantum Thinking 3D Small Molecules for Brain Cancer.
HellenicColege Thessaloniki Greece
Indoor and Outdoor Sports (Gym, Swimming, Racing, Mountain Climbing)
Ioannis Grigoriadis email:jgrigoriadis@biogenea.gr § mobile: (+30) 6936-592686CV – pg.3